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New Classes!

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Current Openings

Call or email us to schedule

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January 27 - First day of Spring Semester

March 21 - Coffee House Night 6-8pm (performers arrive between 6 and 7:30)

March 31-April 11 - Closed for Spring Break

June 13&14 - Recitals at Grace A. Dow Library

June 20 - Last day of Spring Semester

There will be no Summer Session of lessons but we will

be reachable to enroll for Fall Semester.

Where are we?

We are located off the "Circle" in "Center City", Midland. Technically located in Circle Plaza, we tell our families it is easiest to enter our lot from Cambridge Street off of Ashman. We are located in the same parking lot as Gill-Roy's Got It, Kumon and the Man Cave. Please enter our building from the Cambridge lot. There is no entrance off of Ashman Street.

109 E Ashman Street Midland, MI 48642

Thanks for submitting!

Policies and Procedures


Participation: A parent or guardian is required to be in Harmony Road and Young Musician classes, and any preschool or younger classes unless otherwise stated by the teacher. Depending on the class size, behavior, and expectations, a teacher may ask for parent attendance even for older classes.


Make-up Lessons: If a teacher has to miss a group class due to illness or other personal reasons, we will do our best to get a substitute. If we cannot do so, a make-up class will be scheduled. If a teacher has to miss a private lesson due to illness or other personal reasons, we will offer a make-up lesson.


If a student has to miss a private lesson, a make-up lesson will be scheduled as long as the facility has been given 24 hours notice. If a group student has to miss a class, no make-up class will be scheduled but they may ask to receive an email with information on what they missed and homework they can work on. 


All make-up lessons are on pre-arranged Saturdays. Check with Miss Mei to schedule a make-up lesson ahead of time.


Facility Closures: If we have to close the facility due to inclement weather, snow, ice, or other acts of God or nature, there will be no make-up lessons or make-up classes scheduled. However, if we have to cancel classes on the same day again, make-up classes and lessons will be scheduled.  


Payment Plans: By signing up for a payment plan, you are agreeing to pay the entire amount over time. If you stop making your payments, you will not be able to enroll in another class with us. Our tuition fees are based on teacher pay rates, and we have to continue to pay our teachers regardless of whether students continue to make their payments. If you are going through financial hardship, however, please talk to us and we can see what we can do. We would rather work something out than have your student stop coming to class mid-semester and miss out on music education.


Private Lesson times: Each semester you will have the opportunity to save your current lesson time unless the teacher has changed their available schedule. If you do not pay your deposit before the deadline, your spot will be open for other students to take.


Group Classes: Please let us know if you plan to enroll in a group class as soon as possible. Classes that do not fill by a certain time do not end up running so if you want to make sure your class runs, enroll early.


Refunds: In general we have a no refund policy. In some special cases, classes may be changed or credits may be given. Our teachers are paid for the entire class session, so a refund is not possible for most classes. If you have a special circumstance, please let us know and we will do our best to find a solution.

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